Best Cardiology Treatment in Adarsh Nagar Delhi
What is Cardiology?
Cardiology includes cardio, which is taken from the Greek word "Cardia", meaning heart. Cardiology is part of medicine that deals with diseases arising in the heart. These heart diseases can range from congenital disabilities, also known as birth defects, to heart defects acquired over time due to lifestyle.
Doctors who specialise in the study of Cardiology are known as Cardiologists. These specialised doctors are responsible for diagnosing and treating any heart disease. Now, let us get to learn more about the variants of these heart diseases.
About Heart/Cardiovascular Diseases
The heart is the body's main organ that works 24/7, keeping us alive by pumping blood. There are various types of heart diseases. Among these, most of the heart disease is related to atherosclerosis. This condition develops when a plaque-like substance deposits on the walls of the arteries. These plaque deposits slowly build up and narrow down the arteries, thus making it harder for blood to flow. In these cases, if a blood clot is formed, the blood flow will stop, thus leading to a heart attack or stroke. This can be life-threatening.
The other most common type of heart disease is ischemic stroke. This occurs when the blood vessels supplying the brain get blocked, most commonly from a blood clot. If there is a breach in the blood supply to the brain, the result will be the death of brain cells. This will result in the pause of normal brain functions like walking and talking that were previously normal.
Another common life-threatening heart disease is hemorrhagic stroke. This happens when a blood vessel inside the brain bursts. The cause behind this is most likely uncontrolled high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Besides these common heart diseases, many more might not be that common, but they exist.
Heart failure: This does not mean the complete stopping of the heart. It means that the heart is not pumping blood well enough like it should. Untreated heart failure can become worse over time.
Arrhythmia: This heart disease refers to the abnormal rhythm of the heart. There are many
categories of this disease. For example, if the heartbeat is less than 60 times a minute, it is known as Bradycardia, and if it is more than 100 times a minute, it is called Tachycardia.
Heart valve problems: The heart consists of the valve, which can also cause problems sometimes. It is called stenosis if the heart valves do not open enough to let the blood flow normally. It is called regurgitation if these heart valves donot close correctly, leading to blood leakage.
These are all the major heart diseases that a human being can go through and would require proper diagnosis and treatment. Now, let us move on to the symptoms and causes of heart disease.
Symptoms of Heart/Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are easily treatable if diagnosed at an optimal time. So that we can avail proper treatment, we need to be able to understand the symptoms as soon as possible and visit a cardiologist for treatment. The symptoms can be different for different types of heart disease. The symptoms can be hard to notice for older adults and females, but they can still have underlying heart conditions. So, let's take a look at all the symptoms that are related to heart disease.
Here are some common symptoms that indicate heart issues-
● Shortness of breath, also called dyspnea.
● Pain in the chest, known as angina.
● Feeling heavy around the chest or feeling chest pressure. This feeling is sometimes described as "weight on the chest" or "belt around the chest."
● Feeling dizzy or fainting (syncope).
● Feeling exhausted.
● Faster heartbeat, known as Tachycardia.
● Slow heartbeat, known as Bradycardia.
Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases
Cardiovascular diseases are easily treatable with proper diagnosis and immediate attention. If you notice any of the symptoms leading to heart disease, contact us at GTK Hospital so that we can perform physical exams to find out the cause. Once we find out the disease, we can hop on to the treatment.
At GTK Hospital, we believe in preventive cardiology. We aim to address the issue before it gets a chance to escalate. We have the facilities for diagnostic tests that are swift in determining your heart problem. The diagnostic tests offered by GTK Hospitals are
● Non-Invasive Cardiac Lab
● Electrocardiography (ECG)
● Echocardiography
● Treadmill Test (TMT)
● Stress Echo
● Holter monitoring
● Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Monitoring.
At GTK Hospital, you will have access to a highly experienced panel of cardiologists who are experts in their field. We believe in dedicated care for each patient, giving personal attention to everyone. We assure you that you are in good hands.
Cost of Cardiology Services
At GTK Hospitals, we understand your concern about the pricing of doctor consultations and various diagnostic tests. The pricing of the cardiovascular diagnostic tests can vary depending on the diagnosis each patient requires.
We believe in providing cost-effective solutions for all our cardiology services. Furthermore, our services include -
● Non-Invasive Cardiac Lab
● Electrocardiography (ECG)
● Echocardiography
● Treadmill Test (TMT)
● Stress Echo
● Holter monitoring
● Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Monitoring.
At the GTK Hospital in Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, we are well aware of the rise in cardiovascular diseases in India. We have always focused on preventive treatment for reversing cardiovascular diseases. Contact us today if you notice heart disease symptoms.
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